Google Cardboard

Google Cardboard is a virtual reality (VR) platform developed by Google. It is a simple, low-cost VR headset made out of cardboard, which can be assembled by the user and used with a smartphone to create a VR experience.

Google Cardboard

To use Google Cardboard, users simply need to download the Google Cardboard app and place their smartphone into the cardboard headset. The app then splits the smartphone screen into two halves, one for each eye, creating a 3D effect. The user can then use the headset and their smartphone to explore virtual reality environments, watch VR movies, and play VR games.

Google Cardboard was first released in 2014, and has since become a popular and affordable way for people to experience VR. It has also inspired many other companies to create their own low-cost VR headsets, making VR more accessible to a wider audience.

While Google Cardboard is not as advanced as more expensive VR headsets, it is a great entry point into the world of virtual reality and has helped to make VR more accessible to the masses.

Manufacturer: Google

Release Date: 2014

Model: 87002822-01

Photos Google Cardboard

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