Video Games Museum

Welcome to the exclusive Video Games Museum in Greece, with the purpose of traveling through time, while highlighting the history and evolution of electronic games.

The museum has been created with the aim of informing about the history of electronic games, where through the Permanent exhibition which presents in an interactive way, hundreds of consoles, their technical characteristics, as well as their history through multimedia interaction (images, videos and sound).

With the Temporary Exhibitions, you can get to know the highly interesting topics we present, through a hands-on experience, as well as enrich your knowledge, mixing in a unique way electronic games, cinema, photography, music and any form of art.

You can take a unique interactive journey through the past decades, through the Time capsules we have created, a unique simulation of rooms from past decades. The visitor experiences with all his senses each decade separately, since they can explore the space and play with the consoles that are in the rooms. For some it will be like sitting in their childhood room again.

As the visitors continue the tour, they change level and enter the world of Arcade. A place that takes you to the well-known restaurants of the time as many will remember. The museum offers a realistic transport in time to the visitor. A specially designed space with some of our favorite cabins. The lights, the music and the space reminds you exactly of the golden age of arcades.

Inside the museum you will also find a specially designed space, the Console lab, a laboratory where the visitor can see the consoles that are not in the exhibition space, so that any technical problems can be cleaned and repaired. The visitor can monitor their work online and observe every detail needed to repair each console.

Born in 2022 in Heraklion Crete, Greece, Video Games Museum is a particularly complex project which will soon open its doors to visitors.