Philips Odyssey 2000

The Philips Odyssey 2000 is a home video game console released by Philips in 1977. It was one of the first video game consoles that could be connected to a television and played on a home television set.

Philips Odyssey 2000

The console featured a range of built-in games, including Tennis, Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball, and several variations of these games. The graphics were simple and consisted of white squares and lines on a black background. The console used analog technology to create the games, and players had to use physical knobs and switches to control the gameplay.

One unique feature of the Odyssey 2000 was the ability to add overlays to the screen to enhance the graphics and gameplay. These overlays were plastic sheets that could be placed over the television screen and had graphics that corresponded to the game being played.

The Odyssey 2000 was not as popular as other video game consoles of its time, such as the Atari 2600, and was eventually discontinued. However, it remains an important piece of gaming history as one of the earliest home video game consoles.

Manufacturer: Philips

Release Date: 1977

Model: G 7509/00

Photos Philips Odyssey 2000

Consoles Philips QR